Here it comes again Mostra dei Presepi e dei Diorami (Presepi and Dioramas exhibit) of Monte Porzio Catone, the international exhibition, which this year has reached its 22nd edition.
Organized by Gruppo Amici del Presepe and Confraternita del Santissimo Sacramento, with the sponsorship of the municipality of Monte Porzio Catone, and Associazione Italiana Amici del Presepe, the exhibition calls in town every year thousands of visitors and works from all regions of Italy.
Mostra dei Presepi e dei Diorami walks along the streets of the historic center of the town, in a magical and suggestive atmosphere created by the event of an entire town decorated to celebrate the event.
Every year, masters of Presepi, prefessional and “amateurs” present their works, according to different thematic.
This year in particular the representation of the various scenes is divided as follows:
- exhibition of Nativity scenes and Dioramas at the Ephebeum;
- Multiscenic Nativity in Cappella del Sacramento;
- Scenic Nativity Scene at Museo della Città;
- finally, only for the night of December 24th, the Scenographic Artistic Nativity.
The exhibition, currently underway, will last until 06 January.
For information :
Monte Porzio Catone
Monte Porzio Catone is an Italian town located in Castelli Romani, and Alban Hills, with about 9,000 inhabitants, squeezed between Frascati, from the west side, and Monte Compatri from the east side, with its historic center that looks upon the hilly area from above.
Known, like all the surrounding area, for its good traditional “romana” cuisine, but above all for the excellent wine (which reaches the top of the hill with the production of Frascati Superiore DOCG), it has among its peculiarities its Museo Diffuso del Vino (Widespread Wine Museum), whose purpose is to illustrate and tell the various processes related to the production of wine and vine cultivation, grape harvesting, winemaking, and bottling, over the centuries, according to the country tradition.